Public Notices

Classified and Legal Rates are 60 cents per word each week. A minimum charge of $12.00 for 20 words or less is set for every classified and legal advertisement. Display advertising is accepted at display ad rates. Mail advertisements to the Sumter County Record-Journal, P.O. Drawer B, Livingston, AL 35470; bring them to 210 South Washington St., Livingston, AL; call 205-652-6100; FAX to 205-652-4466; or email: [email protected]. DEADLINE: MONDAY AT NOON. Legals and Classifieds run for FREE on our website in addition to the paper. We also place the legal on for no additional cost.

2024 Upcoming Holiday deadlines: SCRJ will be closed for Labor Day, Monday, Sept. 2 and has a late deadline for Tues., Sept. 3 before noon. SCRJ will be closed for Veterans Day, Monday, Nov. 11 and has a late deadline for Tues., Nov. 12 before noon. Deadline for Thanksgiving is Friday, Nov. 22. SCRJ will be closed for Thanksgiving week and will reopen Monday, Dec. 2. Santa Letters deadline is Friday, Dec. 6. Deadline for the Christmas ads for the Christmas/Santa Letter Edition 12-18-24 is Friday, Dec. 13. These are special editions that must be sent in early to the printers. New Year’s Edition 12-26-24 & 1-2-25 is Friday, Dec. 19. We have to submit both papers early due to the printing company being closed for the holidays.

The City of Livingston Utility Board is considering making application to the Alabama Department of Environmental Management for a Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) Program Loan.
In order to inform the citizens of Livingston of components of the program, a public hearing will be held on Tuesday, August 27, 2024 at 5:15 p.m. at the City of Livingston Utility Board located at 201 Church Street, Livingston, Alabama 35470. An Environmental Information Document will be available for public review at the Utility Board during business hours. Citizens will be informed at such meeting regarding the nature and extent of proposed activities, amount of funding available and time frames for the program year.
Further, The City of Livingston Utility Board will be accepting comments on the application for the Alabama Department of Environmental Management’s CWSRF Loan Fund for the purpose of the Sewer System Improvements. Every citizen in attendance will be afforded the opportunity to express their views of the program and needs of the community. Citizens, who wish, may submit their comments in writing to:
Mayor James “Bird” Dial
201 Church Street
Livingston, Alabama 35470
All comments must be submitted prior to Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Any interested party that may require special assistance in attending the hearing, or the need for an interpreter, may contact The City of Livingston Utility Board at (205) 652-2505.
Mayor James “Bird” Dial
4tc/7-25-24, 8-1-24, 8-8-24, 8-15-24
by the State Superintendent of Education
as Authorized under Intervention
WHEREAS, the Constitution and laws of the State of Alabama vest the Alabama State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Education with the authority to exercise general control and supervision over the State’s public schools; and
WHEREAS, Alabama law, including the Educational Accountability and Intervention Act of 2013 (§§ 16-6E-1 through -7, Ala. Code 1975), authorizes the State Superintendent to intervene in local school boards under certain conditions; and
WHEREAS, the State Board found that the Sumter County Board of Education met the criteria set forth in the Educational Accountability and Intervention Act of 2013 and issued a Resolution fully authorizing the State Superintendent, Dr. Eric Mackey, to exercise the intervention authority allowed him under the Act, as well as any other authority allowed under Alabama law, and fully assume the authority and act in place of the Sumter County Board of Education; and
WHEREAS, the State Superintendent believes and hereby declares that an emergency exists in the Sumter County School System that warrants exercising
§ 16-13B-3, Ala. Code 1975, as it relates to school facilities. The State Superintendent proposes to construct a new addition to Sumter Central High School located at
13878 U.S. Highway 11, York, Alabama, that will allow consolidation of students in
Grades K-4 from York West End Junior High School and Livingston Junior High School in the 2025-2026 school year. The State Superintendent believes the existing schools are in grave disrepair, which directly affects the public health and safety needs as delineated in § 16-13B-3, and that the new construction is necessary to meet those needs; and
WHEREAS, the State Superintendent executed an Emergency Declaration regarding the proposed construction on July 9, 2024:
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That by the authority and power afforded to the State Superintendent of Education under the Educational Accountability and Intervention Act of 2013 (§§ 16-6e-1 through -7, Ala. Code 1975), the Emergency Declaration issued by the State Superintendent on July 9, 2024, and in accordance with
§ 16-3B-3, Ala. Code 1975, regarding emergency matters, the State Superintendent of Education, Dr. Eric G. Mackey, declares that the proposed construction on a new school building in the Sumter County School System to be an emergency project as the current facilities are detrimental to the public health and safety of the students, teachers, and administrators in the system. This publication provides proper notice to the public as required under the above-referenced statute.
DONE this 15th day of July 2024.
s/Eric G. Mackey
Eric G. Mackey, State Superintendent of Education
3tc/7-18-24, 7-25-24, 8-1-24
Ad For Bids
The University of West Alabama is accepting sealed bids for LED Lighting Upgrade for the UWA Softball Field on the University of West Alabama campus. Specifications for the project can be picked up in room 227 of Webb Hall on the University campus or by e-mailing [email protected]. Deadline for submitting a bid is July 31, 2024 at 2:00 pm at which time bids will be opened in Webb Hall room 227 on the University of West Alabama campus. A Bid Bond is required of all bidders. A Performance Bond and a Payment Bond will be required of winning bidder. Any questions can be directed to Janie Wooldridge, Director of Purchasing, at 205-652-3545.
3tc/7-11-24, 7-18-24, 7-25-24